The following three photographs show the evolution of the terrace of cottages on the north side of Church Lane, opposite St Felix House. Although there may be doubt that the first photo is of these cottages (it is believed similar cottages, now demolished, existed off Abbey Rd - this photo is simply inscribed "Old Cottages - Flitcham") in the original of the first photograph (not shown in this scannned copy) is a small single storey annex which can be clearly seen in the second phot below. There is evidence in the west gable end today of the former mansarding shown in all three photographs.

It is probable that that part of the cottage shown above to the left of the chimney was completely demolished and the then internal wall became the exposed western gable end when the present day two storey dwellings were created in 1935.

The photograph below shows the hipped roof single storey annex beside the mansarded cottages just before the church. The small single storey cottages just beyond what is now the school playground and opposite St Felix House were demolished in the first half of the 20th century - probably in 1935 when the terrace was remodelled. (Click on the Church for an enlargement detail). Scroll down for the third photograph.

The final photo probably dates from the late 1920s or early 1930s. The present day two storey cottage at the eastern end is shown where the single storey annex used to be but the remainder of the terrace is still mansarded. The smoke from the chimneys of the tiny cottages in front of the terrace must have been a bit of a nuisance at times! Note the flagpole.